Saturday, November 10, 2012


7th  AIWEST-DR 2012
Annual International Workshop & Expo on Sumatra Tsunami 
Theme: Sustaining Lessons Learnt from Post Great East Japan EQ and Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster Recoveries

December 4-5, 2012
Dayan Dawood Academic Activity Center (ACC)  
Syiah Kuala University  Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Committee and Organizer
Steering Committee
• Prof. Yasuo Tanaka (Kobe University, Japan)
• Dr. M. Dirhamsyah (TDMRC-Syiah Kuala University Indonesia)
• Dr. Idwan Suhardi (Ministry of Research And Technology Indonesia)
• Prof. Friedemann Wenzel (CEDIM, Karlsruhe University-Germany)
• Prof. Louise Comfort (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
• Dr. Ridwan Djamaluddin (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesia)
• Prof. Samsul Rizal (Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia)
• Prof. Syamsul Rizal (Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia)
• Dr. Danny Hilman (LIPI, Indonesia)

Since its first commencement in 2006 following the giant Indian Ocean tsunami of 26 December 2004, AIWEST-DR is regularly hosted by TDMRC and partners with supports from various DRR stakeholders, reflecting the high level of interest and participation in this international scientific workshop. 
This workshop is increasingly important considering the recurrence of catastrophic disasters in the world, such as the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011. 
7THAIWEST-DR 2012 is intended to provide an opportunity to discuss how academia, governments and other organizations involved in DRR activities can work together to build back better disaster resilient society and to promote DRR through reconstruction by linking the Indian Ocean region with  other disaster hit cities and countries.

In this workshop, we focus on the lessons learnt and best practices from the recovery process of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, 2011 Great East Japan EQ & tsunami, and other disasters in the world that workshop participants present.